12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Гайнанова Сабина Ринатовна633
Россия, Карелия респ., Петрозаводск

Test on module 2 (Spotlight 7)

I. Fill in: 1) imagination, 2)mystery, 3)overcome, 4)appearance, 5)confused, 6)several.

John: Have you read any of Harry Potter books?

Phil: Yes, a) … These are the stories that will catch the b) …. of every child.

John: Not only children. My mum read a lot of c)… novels by J.K.Rowling.

Phil: I like Potter’s adventures and how they have to d) … many obstacles.

John: I don’t like Draco Malfoy. He is obsessive about his e) … .

Phil: I’m totally f) … why Harry rescues Draco from the magic flames.

II. Fill in the necessary information for the quiz:



Special Features (in the past)

Arthur Conan Doyle

(smoke) a pipe

Miss Marple

(catch) many criminals

Jules Verne

Captain Nemo

Agatha Christie

(be) from Belgium

Dr Watson

(help) Sherlock Holmes

III. Make up 5 questions for the quiz using the fact file.

IV. Choose the right answer and use the verbs in the Past Simple. Finish the story.

a) First Karen had dinner, then / when she (begin) doing lessons.

b) After / Until she finished her homework, she (go) fishing.

c) As soon as / Until Karen (catch) her first fish, she (decide) to (put) it into the bucket.

d) Karen (hide) the bucket with a fish in the bush and (send) a photo of the fish to her brother Larry.

e) Until / When Larry (hear) the signal, he (read) the message.

f) He (leave) home and quickly (find) the bucket with the fish.

g) Then / When he (take) it, Larry (brake) the branch.

h) Until /As soon as Karen heard the noise, she (think) it (be) a bear.

The keys to the Test on module 2 (Spotlight 7):

I. a) 6) several. b) 1) imagination c) 2)mystery d) 3)overcome e) 4)appearance, f) 5)confused,

II. Fill in the necessary information for the quiz:



Special Features (in the past)

Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock Holmes

smoked a pipe

Agatha Christie

Miss Marple

caught many criminals

Jules Verne

Captain Nemo

travelled under the water

Agatha Christie

Hercule Poirot

was from Belgium

Arthur Conan Doyle

Dr Watson

helped Sherlock Holmes

III. Make up 5 questions for the quiz using the fact file.

IV. Choose the right answer and use the verbs in the Past Simple. Finish the story.

a) then, began

b) After, went

c) As soon as, caught, decided, put

d) hid, sent

e) When, heard, read

f) left, found

g) When, took, broke

h) As soon as, thought , was


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